Monday, May 30, 2011

Purple Ninjetti!

Purple Dragonfly

Though we won't see her using these powers until the Third story of the series you do get a glimpse of it in Chapter fifteen of Pink with Envy. She is the Purple Dragonfly Ninjetti. The first Purple Ranger of Earth and the First Purple anywhere in a few centuries.

Dulcea told Neve of her animal spirit while in a coma so while she is now aware of her animal spirit she is unable to morph with it until she completes her quest. She is the Swift and Courageous Dragonfly, both a honored and feared animal in parts of the world. You can learn more about the Dragonfly and why I chose it at this site.

Power Swords.

Her weapon is that of two arm swords which are a darker purple almost indigo color and black. And of course her morpher is just like the other Rangers but with the Dragonfly Power Coin.

Purple Ranger.

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